Pastor Steve Faucette is the son of missionary parents. Steve spent the first six years of his life in Chile, South America, until a godless communist president was voted into office and persecution arose to the point that the Chilean pastors and Christians begged Steve’s parents to leave with his family before harm came to them. The Chileans believed God would deliver their country from communism and allow the missionaries to return and help them in the work of spreading the Gospel. God did indeed answer that prayer! But before that took place, God used Steve’s family to serve Him in Kenya, East Africa, for several years.
With this background, the Lord burdened Steve’s heart for the work of reaching the lost around the world with the Good News of salvation through Jesus Christ. God called Steve to preach and God used him as a missionary pastor in Nova Scotia (for 18 years) before calling him to Faith Baptist Church of Laval in April of 2003.
God has blessed Pastor Faucette with a godly and capable wife and with four (now adult) children.